A stereo tour through Bremen

Bre­men is one of the five most pop­u­lar cities in Ger­many. This is prob­a­bly because of its mar­itime his­to­ry and flair. Also it’s a city built all around the block or like the Bre­men say “alles um’ Pud­ding”. Every­thing is close by, his­to­ry and nature and a lot of local col­or, that’s why it quick­ly became my favorite city in which to live.

Wind­müh­le am Wall: The 19th cen­tu­ry wind­mill in the beau­ti­ful green area “Wal­lan­la­gen “, which was in oper­a­tion until 1947, is now a pop­u­lar café.
Rathaus: The Bre­men town hall built in 1405 is cer­tain­ly one of the most beau­ti­ful town halls in Ger­many. It has been named a UNESCO World Her­itage Site.
Rathaus: In my stere­os I’ll take you to the upper Hall, with its dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments, like old war­ship mod­els on the ceil­ing (behind the chandelier).
Schlachte / Weser: “Schlachte” is an old prom­e­nade with a large selec­tion of restau­rants and beer gar­dens with a view of his­toric ships.
Schnoor: The Schnoorvier­tel is the old­est area of ​​Bre­men, orig­i­nat­ing in the High Mid­dle Ages. The small and incred­i­bly nar­row hous­es there were inhab­it­ed by poor fish­er­men, boat­men and crafts­men at the time.
Bürg­er­park: Work on the design of the “Bürg­er­park”, a pic­turesque land­scape with amuse­ments such as boat rentals and mini golf, began in 1866.

© 2021 Jas­min­ka Ziegler

Jasminka Ziegler (Bremen, Germany)

My pas­sion for pho­tog­ra­phy began over 20 years ago. I began shoot­ing typ­i­cal­ly with dif­fer­ent kinds of com­pact cam­eras and also a Canon DSLR. About three years ago I start­ed to explore stereo-pho­tog­ra­phy, inspired by Dr. Bri­an May and the Lon­don Stereo­scop­ic Com­pa­ny. Sequen­tial stereo-pho­tog­ra­phy with a smart­phone (Huawei p30) was a very com­fort­able way to dis­cov­er my new pas­sion, as I always have my equip­ment with me. Stere­og­ra­phy opened up a mag­i­cal win­dow for me, where every­thing appears more immer­sive. For spe­cial set­tings I also have a few stereo cam­eras, but I rarely use them. I love to take stere­os of land­scapes, scenes, archi­tec­ture, reflec­tions as well as close-up pho­tog­ra­phy. I’m always hap­py when I can cap­ture a mood or a sto­ry and I enjoy exper­i­ment­ing with base­lines, per­spec­tives and also with edits. Sim­i­lar to view­ing stereo pho­tos, in my pro­fes­sion as a radi­ol­o­gist I dive into pic­tures (of radi­o­log­i­cal exam­i­na­tions) and let them tell me their sto­ries (mak­ing the diag­no­sis). 

Insta­gram-pro­file: stereojazz.3d