3D Slices & Shapes

The stereo of the tree with mul­ti­col­ored foliage below was my orig­i­nal inspi­ra­tion for this series: it has so many patch­es of var­i­ous col­ors that when you mir­ror cer­tain slices, dif­fer­ent col­ors abut one anoth­er, and it winds up look­ing like a pas­tiche of many trees rather than just one. I expand­ed this con­cept of inter­nal con­trast with the stereo of yel­low and pur­ple flow­ers, and then tried a more homoge­nous hybrid with the tulips. Mean­while, I always love hon­ey­bees and most oth­er insects, so decid­ed to high­light one and its take­off run­way in col­or. Final­ly, with the stereo self-por­traits, I am attempt­ing to vis­cer­al­ly con­vey how my new read­ing glass­es (my first ever) make my head feel!

© 2021 Gor­don Au

Gordon Au (New York, USA)

I am an avid stere­o­g­ra­ph­er and 3D experimenter/tinkerer, mak­ing stereopho­tos, stere­ovideos, anaglyphs, extrac­tions, and con­ver­sions, draw­ing upon a vari­ety of sources, includ­ing TV and film, art­work, NASA data, found footage, and more. My exper­i­ments include cata­diop­tric stere­os, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, slices and shapes, asym­met­ric fram­ing, video pan­ning / zoom­ing of 3D stills, x‑rays and fog as depth map sources, and more. I am a proud mem­ber of and have pre­sent­ed and/or writ­ten for the VSC, New York Stereo­scop­ic Asso­ci­a­tion, LA3D, the NSA, and the ISU.

Web­site: WorldOfDepth.com
Insta­gram-pro­file: World­OfDepth
YouTube-pro­file: World­OfDepth