3D Slices & Shapes
The stereo of the tree with multicolored foliage below was my original inspiration for this series: it has so many patches of various colors that when you mirror certain slices, different colors abut one another, and it winds up looking like a pastiche of many trees rather than just one. I expanded this concept of internal contrast with the stereo of yellow and purple flowers, and then tried a more homogenous hybrid with the tulips. Meanwhile, I always love honeybees and most other insects, so decided to highlight one and its takeoff runway in color. Finally, with the stereo self-portraits, I am attempting to viscerally convey how my new reading glasses (my first ever) make my head feel!
Gordon Au (New York, USA)
I am an avid stereographer and 3D experimenter/tinkerer, making stereophotos, stereovideos, anaglyphs, extractions, and conversions, drawing upon a variety of sources, including TV and film, artwork, NASA data, found footage, and more. My experiments include catadioptric stereos, artificial intelligence, slices and shapes, asymmetric framing, video panning / zooming of 3D stills, x‑rays and fog as depth map sources, and more. I am a proud member of and have presented and/or written for the VSC, New York Stereoscopic Association, LA3D, the NSA, and the ISU.
Website: WorldOfDepth.com
Instagram-profile: WorldOfDepth
YouTube-profile: WorldOfDepth