A Journey Into Deep Space

Ready for a jour­ney into deep space? Space and galax­ies have always fas­ci­nat­ed me, so when the book Cos­mic Clouds 3D by David Eich­er and Bri­an May was released in 2020, I got the idea of con­vert­ing my tra­di­tion­al space paint­ings into 3D by using a depthmap. But I realised that the result was far from sat­is­fy­ing. So I switched from can­vas to dig­i­tal art­work, which has the advan­tage  of being eas­i­er to con­vert into a stereo­scop­ic draw­ing than a tra­di­tion­al one. 

Do you want to cre­ate your own artis­tic uni­verse, vis­it the cor­re­spond­ing arti­cle Deep space stereo draw­ings.

© 2021 Vanes­sa Grein

Vanessa Grein (Aachen, Germany)

I am Vanes­sa Grein and I work as a spokes­woman in Aachen, Ger­many. My stereo jour­ney start­ed about five years ago but my pho­tos had nev­er seen the light of day until last year. Encour­aged by Dr. Bri­an May, I shared them on Insta­gram and expe­ri­enced a love­ly warm wel­come by the stereo com­mu­ni­ty. Many of the pho­tog­ra­phers have their sig­na­ture styles and I was look­ing for some­thing new. After exper­i­ment­ing a lot I decid­ed to com­bine my two pas­sions  — paint­ing and stere­oscopy — and came up with deep space draw­ings. But it might be just the begin­ning of a new adven­ture.

Insta­gram-pro­file: vanessa.grein