Translucent stereoscopic symmetry

Translucent stereoscopic symmetry

The work being dis­played in this gallery I call dou­ble expo­sure stereo­scop­ic images. I start with a stereo­scop­ic image in side by side “par­al­lel view” for­mat and process the images for the left and the right eye sep­a­rate­ly. I use an image edi­tor to pro­duce 

Villa Ecclesiae

Villa Ecclesiae

The cen­ter­piece of these stere­oviews is Igle­sias, in the province of South Sar­dinia, Italy. It was found­ed in 1258, and its orig­i­nal name was Vil­la Ecclesiae.

A breeze from Brazil

A breeze from Brazil

The vil­lage stere­os por­trays the charm­ing his­tor­i­cal cen­ter of the city of Tiradentes, in Minas Gerais, Brazil, one of my favorite places.

Beneath the waves

Beneath the waves

Once becom­ing a div­er in 2004, it was only a mat­ter of time before I took my love of stereo pho­tog­ra­phy beneath the waves. When div­ing, you are nev­er sure exact­ly what you will find, but inevitably some­thing won­der­ful appears before you. Don’t miss these stun­ning under­wa­ter 3D photos!

Using Artificial Intelligence in the Stereoscopic World

Using Artificial Intelligence in the Stereoscopic World

The father of the stere­oscopy, Charles Wheat­stone, used geo­met­ric pic­tures to demon­strate his the­sis about the “phys­i­ol­o­gy of binoc­u­lar vision”. Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence could be a new way to cre­ate stereo­scop­ic worlds.

Freezing the movement of light

Freezing the movement of light

Look at the incred­i­ble vari­ety of stair­ways and their dynam­ic expres­sion increased through stereoscopy.

4 YEARS — Restless New York City

4 YEARS — Restless New York City

ANAGLYPH GLASSES NEEDED! As the world around us got increas­ing­ly changed polit­i­cal­ly, New York City streets have pro­vid­ed a unique stage for both the social unrest and the epidemic.

Simultaneous nature photography

Simultaneous nature photography

One of the advan­tages of liv­ing in Scot­land is that you are very nev­er far from a beau­ti­ful land­scape. Some of these stere­os were tak­en a short walk from my home and the oth­ers just a short journey.

Flower close ups

Flower close ups

In tak­ing flow­ers stere­os, I try to accen­tu­ate the poet­ic nat­ur­al beau­ty of each subject.

Shafts of light

Shafts of light

I’m for­tu­nate to be an ear­ly ris­er and love being in my favourite local places just as the sun ris­es. When you’re there and move, the shafts of light move when you do; when viewed in 3‑D they seem to form an almost sol­id part of the scene.

Catadioptric stereo photography (Mirror stereos)

Catadioptric stereo photography (Mirror stereos)

All of these stereo pho­tos were tak­en with a sin­gle shot — the only fur­ther equip­ment you need is a mirror.

Rigoletto stereo portraits

Rigoletto stereo portraits

Here you see the cast mem­bers of The St Peters­burg Opera Com­pa­ny. All images were cre­at­ed back­stage dur­ing a performance.