The Depth of High Mountains

Hik­ing offers many oppor­tu­ni­ties for land­scape stereo-pho­tog­ra­phy. Due to the diverse scale of the objects, from small, beau­ti­ful flow­ers, to trees, to entire moun­tain regions it is pos­si­ble to take a large vari­ety of stereo-pho­tos. My favourite stere­os are the hyper­stere­os of moun­tains. But with base­lines this large (rang­ing between 5~100 Metres), there are mul­ti­ple things (clouds, peo­ple and mov­ing shad­ows, cast by clouds, or even the earth­’s rota­tion) which make this type of stereo-pho­tog­ra­phy chal­leng­ing. But with some prac­tice a pho­tog­ra­ph­er can devel­op meth­ods to counter these phe­nom­e­na, and once you do, the results speak for themselves. 

© 2021 Felix Schlicht

Felix Schlicht (München, Germany)

I start­ed tak­ing my own stereo­scop­ic images in mid-2020 when I first dis­cov­ered that free-view­ing stereo­scop­ic images is pos­si­ble. Since then, with every pho­to I take I always find an oppor­tu­ni­ty to take a sec­ond pho­to from a dif­fer­ent angle to cre­ate a stereo. While hik­ing I dis­cov­ered that increas­ing the dis­tance between the two images makes it pos­si­ble to see depth even in dis­tant objects like moun­tains, which oth­er­wise would have appeared flat. I use my Smart­phone Cam­era (Pix­el 4a) to take stere­os of just about any­thing, but my pre­ferred stereo sub­jects are moun­tains and land­scapes.

Insta­gram-pro­file: fel.3d